Upcoming Events :
There are no upcoming events at the moment.
Past events:
Invited talks in academic settings
- System Change, not Climate Change: Conceptualising Prefigurative Grassroots Action towards Sustainability. University of Leicester, UK, 12/2020.
- System Change, not Climate Change: Conceptualising Prefigurative Grassroots Action towards Sustainability. Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, 12/2020.
- Le véganisme : enjeux de justice sociale et spatiale. Presented to: Université de Genève, Switzerland, 04/2019.
- Véganisme : de l’action individuelle à la mobilisation collective. “Manger de la viande aujourd’hui ?” Presented to: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 05/2019.
- Is the Alternative City a Just City? Geographies of Race and Class In Alternative Food Movements. Presented to: Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 05/2018.
- Anarchisme, féminisme et véganisme : quand les luttes convergent. Presented to: Université de Montréal, Canada, 11/2017.
- Anarchisme, féminisme et véganisme : quand les luttes convergent. Presented to: Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada, 11/2017.
- Pourquoi mangeons-nous les animaux ? Presented to: Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 11/2017.
- (Extra)Ordinary Activism: Moments of Rupture and Everyday Life in the Vegan and Environmental Movements. Presented to: Climate Futures: This Changes Everything UCSB’s Critical Issues in America Series for 2016. UCSB, Santa Barbara, USA, 03/2016.
- Le véganisme : résistance et quotidienneté. Presented to: Les Estivales de la Question Animale, Marlhes, France, 08/2015.
Presentations at academic conferences
- Re-Writing Environmentalism through Anarchist Praxis. Presented to: RGS-IBG, London, UK, 08/2019.
- From Alternative Practices to Radical Politics: Sustainability and Social Justice in Berlin’s Grassroots Food Movements. Presented to: 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting, Trondheim, Norway 06/2019.
- Anarchism, Feminism and Veganism: A Convergence of Struggles. Presented with Richard J. White to : Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 04/2018.
- Exploring the Anarchist City: Autonomy, Mutual Aid and Self-Management in la Baraque. Presented to: 1st International Conference of Anarchist Geographies and Geographers, Reggio Emilia, Italy, 10/2017.
- Anarchist Geographies and the Politics of Hemeratopias. Presented to: Research Workshop for Critical Geography, Bremen, Germany, 06/2017.
- From the Geography of Veganism to Antispeciesist Geography: An Attempt to Define Vegan Geographies. Presented to Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, 04/2017.
- Vegan Geographies. Presented to: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 04/2016.
- Anarchist Geographies of Veganism: Towards an Everyday Praxis of Resistance. Presented to: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 03/2016.
- Food Activism in Public Space: when Vegans Take to the Streets. Presented to: Food Project 4th Global Meeting, University of Oxford, UK, 09/2015.
- Resistance and the Shaping of Everyday Life Alternatives: Vegan Activism in Paris. Presented to: Mancept Workshops in Political Theory, Manchester Centre for Political Theory, UK, 09/2015.
- Contesting the Divided City. Presented to: Warwick Graduate Conference in Political geography, Warwick, UK, 11/2014.
- Alexander the Great vs. Skanderbeg: The Struggle for Power and Space in the Divided City. Presented to: Association for the Study of Nationalities Annual World Convention, New York, US, 04/2011.
- Rethinking the Model of Interethnic Relations in the Balkans: The Education Challenge in Macedonia. Presented to: 11th Mediterranean Research Meeting (European Centre for Minority Issues), Florence and Montecatini, Italy, 03/2010.
Public events
- Anarchisme, féminisme et véganisme : quand les luttes convergent. Presented to: La Palanche d’Aulac, Paris, France, 12/2017.
- Véganisme : toutes les réponses à vos questions. Presented to: Maison Burdigala, Bordeaux, France, 12/2017
- Défendre les animaux : état des lieux et réflexions stratégiques. Presented to: Le Faitout, Paris, France, 12/2017
- Pourquoi mangeons-nous les animaux ? Presented to: Mairie du 18è arrondissement, Paris, France, 11/2017
- Round-table: Le véganisme – penser, manger et agir autrement. Salon du Livre de Montréal, Montreal, Canada, 11/2017.
- Pourquoi mangeons-nous les animaux ? Presented to: Cégep du Vieux Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 11/2017.
- Véganisme : toutes les réponses à vos questions. Presented to: Espace vie, Bromont, Canada, 11/2017.
- Véganisme : toutes les réponses à vos questions. Presented to: Centre communautaire de l’arrondissement Jacques-Cartier, Sherbrooke, Canada, 11/2017.
- Véganisme : toutes les réponses à vos questions. Presented to: Claire Martin Library, Quebec, Canada, 11/2017.
- Etre végane : pourquoi ? comment ? Presented to: Saint-Charles Library, Quebec, Canada, 11/2017.
- Planète Végane. Presented to: Bookshop Zone Libre, Montreal, Canada, 11/2017.
- Défendre les animaux : état des lieux et réflexions stratégiques. Presented to : Montreal Vegan Festival, Montreal, Canada, 11/2017.
- ‘Meet the author’. Fête du Livre, Saint-Etienne, France, 10/2017.
- ‘ Meet the author’: Véganes : toutes les réponses à vos questions. Everyday Heroes Festival, Lyon, France, 10/2017.
- ‘Meet the author’. Fnac, Lyon, France, 10/2017.
- ‘Meet the author’: La révolution est-elle dans nos assiettes ?Fnac, Strasbourg, France, 09/2017.
- ‘Meet the author’. Bookshop Filigranes, Brussels, Belgium, 09/2017.
- Public event with Guillaume Corpard, Fini l’Âge bête : Journée Végane, Charleroi, Belgium, 05/2017.
- Quelles stratégies pour promouvoir le véganisme ? Presented to: 100% Veggie, Charleroi, Belgium, 05/2017.
- Comment communiquer efficacement pour promouvoir le véganisme ? Presented to: Namur Veggie Day, Belgium, 02/2017.
- Comment promouvoir le véganisme ? Presented to: Festival Végane de Montréal, Canada, 11/2016.
- Révolution Végane. Presented to: Librairie L’usage du monde, Paris, 06/2016.
- Elevage et Climat. Round-table following the screening of Cowspiracy, Paris, France, 12/2015.
- Quelle éducation pour nos enfants? Presented at the screening of Alphabet, Paris, France, 10/2015
- Alimentation et climat. Presented to: Festival du livre et de la presse d’écologie, Paris, France, 10/2015
- Qu’est-ce qu’être militant animaliste aujourd’hui ? Round-Table: Veggie Pride, Paris, France, 10/2015
- Se réapproprier les savoir-faire : s’autonomiser. Presented to: Alternatiba, Lyon, France 10/2015
- Faut-il arrêter la viande pour sauver la planète ? Presented to: La REcyclerie, Paris, France, 09/2015
- Végétarisme et climat : l’alimentation du futur en question. Presented to: Rencontres nationales des étudiants pour le développement durable, Paris, France, 04/2015